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Since testcontainers-go v0.23.0


The Testcontainers module for ClickHouse.

Adding this module to your project dependencies

Please run the following command to add the ClickHouse module to your Go dependencies:

go get

Usage example

Module reference

The ClickHouse module exposes one entrypoint function to create the ClickHouse container, and this function receives two parameters:

func RunContainer(ctx context.Context, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*ClickHouseContainer, error)
  • context.Context, the Go context.
  • testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer, a variadic argument for passing options.

Container Options

When starting the ClickHouse container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.


If you need to set a different ClickHouse Docker image, you can use testcontainers.WithImage with a valid Docker image for ClickHouse. E.g. testcontainers.WithImage("clickhouse/clickhouse-server:").

Wait Strategies

If you need to set a different wait strategy for ClickHouse, you can use testcontainers.WithWaitStrategy with a valid wait strategy for ClickHouse.


The default deadline for the wait strategy is 60 seconds.

At the same time, it's possible to set a wait strategy and a custom deadline with testcontainers.WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline.

Docker type modifiers

If you need an advanced configuration for ClickHouse, you can leverage the following Docker type modifiers:

  • testcontainers.WithConfigModifier
  • testcontainers.WithHostConfigModifier
  • testcontainers.WithEndpointSettingsModifier

Please read the Create containers: Advanced Settings documentation for more information.

Set username, password and database name

If you need to set a different database, and its credentials, you can use WithUsername, WithPassword, WithDatabase options.

container, err := RunContainer(ctx,





if err != nil {




The default values for the username is default, for password is clickhouse and for the default database name is clickhouse.

Init Scripts

If you would like to do additional initialization in the ClickHouse container, add one or more *.sql, *.sql.gz, or *.sh scripts to the container request. Those files will be copied after the container is created but before it's started under /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d. According to ClickHouse Docker image, it will run any *.sql files, run any executable *.sh scripts, and source any non-executable *.sh scripts found in that directory to do further initialization before starting the service.

container, err := RunContainer(ctx,




    WithInitScripts(filepath.Join("testdata", "")),


if err != nil {



set -e

clickhouse-client \

  --user "$CLICKHOUSE_USER" \

  --password "$CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD" \

  --database "$CLICKHOUSE_DB" \

  --query "create table if not exists test_table (id UInt64) engine = MergeTree PRIMARY KEY (id) ORDER BY (id) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192; INSERT INTO test_table (id) VALUES (1);" --multiquery

Container Methods

The ClickHouse container exposes the following methods:


This method returns the dsn connection string to connect to the ClickHouse container, using the default configs. It's possible to pass extra parameters to the connection string, e.g. dial_timeout=300ms or skip_verify=false, in a variadic way.

e.g. clickhouse://default:pass@localhost:9000?dial_timeout=300ms&skip_verify=false

connectionString, err := container.ConnectionString(ctx, "debug=true")

assert.NoError(t, err)


This method returns the host & port of the ClickHouse container.

e.g. localhost:9000

connectionHost, err := container.ConnectionHost(ctx)

assert.NoError(t, err)