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Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

Since testcontainers-go v0.23.0


The Testcontainers module for Artemis.

Adding this module to your project dependencies

Please run the following command to add the Artemis module to your Go dependencies:

go get

Usage example

ctx := context.Background()

// Run container.
container, err := artemis.RunContainer(ctx)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
    if err := container.Terminate(ctx); err != nil {

// Get broker endpoint.
host, err := container.BrokerEndpoint(ctx)
if err != nil {

// Get credentials.
// containerUser {
user := container.User()
// }
// containerPassword {
pass := container.Password()
// }

// Connect to Artemis via STOMP.
conn, err := stomp.Dial("tcp", host, stomp.ConnOpt.Login(user, pass))
if err != nil {
defer func() {
    if err := conn.Disconnect(); err != nil {

Module reference

The Artemis module exposes one entrypoint function to create the Artemis container, and this function receives two parameters:

func RunContainer(ctx context.Context, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*Container, error)
  • context.Context, the Go context.
  • testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer, a variadic argument for passing options.

Container Options

When starting the Artemis container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.


If you need to set a different Artemis Docker image, you can use testcontainers.WithImage with a valid Docker image for Artemis. E.g. testcontainers.WithImage("").

Wait Strategies

If you need to set a different wait strategy for Artemis, you can use testcontainers.WithWaitStrategy with a valid wait strategy for Artemis.


The default deadline for the wait strategy is 60 seconds.

At the same time, it's possible to set a wait strategy and a custom deadline with testcontainers.WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline.


If you need to change the default admin credentials (i.e. artemis:artemis) use WithCredentials.

artemis.WithCredentials("test", "test"),

Anonymous Login

If you need to enable anonymous logins (which are disabled by default) use WithAnonymousLogin.


Custom Arguments

If you need to pass custom arguments to the artemis create command, use WithExtraArgs. The default is --http-host --relax-jolokia. Setting this value will override the default. See the documentation on artemis create for available options.

artemis.WithExtraArgs("--http-host --relax-jolokia --queues ArgsTestQueue"),

Docker type modifiers

If you need an advanced configuration for Artemis, you can leverage the following Docker type modifiers:

  • testcontainers.WithConfigModifier
  • testcontainers.WithHostConfigModifier
  • testcontainers.WithEndpointSettingsModifier

Please read the Create containers: Advanced Settings documentation for more information.

Container Methods

The Artemis container exposes the following methods:


User returns the administrator username.

user := container.User()


Password returns the administrator password.

pass := container.Password()


BrokerEndpoint returns the host:port for the combined protocols endpoint.

host, err := container.BrokerEndpoint(ctx)


ConsoleURL returns the URL for the management console.

u, err := container.ConsoleURL(ctx)